July 27th, 2024: Long time no see! A couple of fun things happened since I last wrote. Last night I saw The Living Tombstone which was life changing lmao. Teenager me was losing her mind. They sang my favorite songs (Discord, Got No Time, and My Ordinary Life). Mak also really liked her gift btw.

My sister and I went out to get some coffee and buy some ingredients for my dad to make pho. I am so fucking tired from the concert last night lol. I'm trying to think of other things to talk about but I don't really have anything else to say so I'll see you when I see you :3

July 15th, 2024: Ooooh okay so this is going to be my first entry! Today is monday and I just randomly felt like making a webpage for an online diary. I think it'd be cool to just write about random shit on the internet. I know not a lot of people are going to see this but the idea of writing shit online sounds cool to me. Hmm what should I talk about?? I have work tomorrow and Kaylyn is going to work around the same time as me so maybe we get to work together?? Her and I have a lot in common and she's super cool. She also super fucking hilarious.

Wednesday I have a doctor's appointment in the morning then I'm going video game shopping with my friend Mak. I'm also going to give her her late birthday gift which is an Iggy figure from JJBA. I hope she likes it!! Hmm I think that's it for today. I'll try to come back tomorrow or wednesday or whenever to write back/update you guys on anything.