Fustilugz the Fustilugs

Like the name, Fustilugz is a ponderous, clumsy, slovenly girl. With her green skin, pointed ears, and sharp fangs, Fustilugz shares a resemblance with the fiendish Goblins of the Acid Bastard Forests. To the surprise of many, Fustilugz is not a goblin but is her own species of humanoid.

Fustilugz can commonly be found either wandering around the malodorus Naibury Bog located east of Bezemer Highlands or in the dark crypts of the Portcaster Hollows- which is also believed to be where she calls home.

Consumed by her fixations of fictional men and impulsive/erratic behaviors, Fustilugz has been noted to spend hours reading fictional smut scrolls and tomes, spending significantly large amounts of gold on useless things, or passing time rotting in her bed.

As far as personality goes, Fustilugz appears to be very down to earth, welcoming random travelers and strangers into her abode to eat, play with spells, or to simply pass time. While this is the case most of the time, recent observations have been made that she displays an irritable personality/behaviors in the morning. Examples of such behaviors include short temper or quick annoyance to small things. These behaviors quilckly subsides as the early morning shifts into the late morning (10-11 AM).

More information will be added after continuous observation.

ETYMOLOGY of Fustilugs: From Middle English fusty (smelly, moldy) + lug (to carry something heavy).

Fustilugz's Stats