Hey! I'm Sophie and I'm just a random girl on the internet that loves web buttons. In addition to my love for web buttons, I'm also really into video games (Yakuza is my all time favorite vg series), anime, reading BL (I'm a big fat fujoshi LOLOLOL), goofing off withmy friends, and photography.

I made this website back in 2019 out of pure boredom and totally forgot about it until late 2023. Originally, this site didn't have a theme and it was like that for over 5 years until I randomly went back to the site and came up with the idea to make it about web buttons. I had a bunch of buttons saved on a folder on my desktop and added all of them to this website. This site is still pretty new and I am not much of a webmaster like many of you are so I've been doing a lot of research on html. W3school is seriously a lifesaver lol!

I seriously appreciate you for taking the time to check out my website and I hope you enjoy looking through all of the buttons I've collected!


Check out my mini blog!

no ai webring previous next a pink rounded rectangle with soft red borders. in the centre is the text NO AI / WEB / RING and to either side are two hearts, changing colour from white to red to pink